If you take a lot of photos like I do, you've probably had this experience. You've forgotten to change the settings on your camera back to where they should be. I took a few photos indoors one evening where there were incandescent lights, so I changed the white balance setting to avoid a color cast. The next morning we went to Glacier Park and boarded the 9:00am boat at Lake McDonald. The water was calm and was reflecting the peaks, a beautiful day at the park. I happily snapped away taking photo after photo. After we got off the boat I looked at the photos and....Ackkkkkk! My photos looked like this...
Beautiful shade of blue, but not so good for photos! I didn't know if they could be saved or if we'd be making a point to come back to the boat real soon. Just last week I had ordered "The Photoshop Elements 6 Book for Digital Photographers". With a little research and a little trial and error I was able to change those blue photos to this...
Thanks to Scott Kelby and his book I was able to save my photos :) If you use Photoshop Elements it's well worth the dollars. Be sure to get the one for your PE software version!