I mentioned in a earlier post how friendly the Fijian people are. They just can't do enough for you and truly want you to have a good time. They have a great sense of humor and will make jokes with you if you show the slightest hint of a sense of humor. They apologize for the nasty weather we have found ourselves in...really! John called the Fiji Weather Service a couple days ago and the forecaster he spoke with actually said he was sorry that it was going to keep raining and get worse. Today the young man that rode with us to Port Denarau apologized to us that the rain had taken over our vacation and asked us to "please come back again". Yesterday we stopped in The Coffee Place for a mocha after we'd had lunch. We were sitting at a table and I noticed the Fiji music that was playing. The singer sounded a lot like Elvis and I really enjoyed the music. I asked the owner what the name of the CD was that was playing. She went to look and came back and said it belonged to one of the young men working there and there was no label on it. So I asked him. He wrote down the name of the singer for me and then told me he'd give me a copy of the CD. That's just the way they are. So he took my name and told me to come back today after noon and he'd leave a copy there for me with my name on it just in case he wasn't there. So I made a CD of some of the things we like to listen to for him...Josh Groban, Shania Twain, David Archuletta, kd lang, Johnny Cash, The Hollies, Elton John, and Secret Garden. When he gave me the CD and I told him I had a trade for him he was really surprised. I don't think he was use to someone giving him something, but that's just the way we are!