Excavation for our new house started last week as scheduled. The backhoe came in and removed the top soil from our building site making 3 huge piles for back filling later. The rest of the dirt will be dumped in the little gully at the back of our property making a nice little turn around space. After the top soil was gone, Paul got out the orange spray paint and marked the back hoe lines two feet out from the edge of the foundation. The two large trees that were pulled out have been limbed and we have a huge pile of pine limbs waiting to be burned.
While all this was happening, John and I went to Kalispell on Wednesday, the 4th, and picked up the wood flooring for the new house. Paul had found it at a killer price so he went ahead and ordered it. We are so lucky to have a full basement with a garage door for storage in our rental house. We've ordered our Viking appliances, too, and they'll have to live there for a few months as well.
On Tuesday, April 3rd, we were sitting in Cafe Jax having lunch and saw the 26 foot U Haul truck go by. We laughed and said, "Hey, there goes our truck!" We had a 26 footer reserved for 4 days so could get our household goods out of storage in Tacoma and were to pick it up the next day at 4:30 PM. There was only one at the U Haul dealer. It was pulling a small trailer and behind it was another truck also pulling a trailer, pretty unusual in small town Eureka. Later that afternoon, we received a call from Shirley at U Haul that went something like this..."Hi, this is Shirley. Do you really need that 26 foot truck cause they came from Kalispell and took it this afternoon?" "Well, yes....that's why we reserved it for 4 days!" "Oh...well, I'll see what I can do." Hmmmm...guess a reservation doesn't mean much. She called later and said she could get a 24 foot truck. We advised her that would not do, we needed the biggest truck. So she said she would get the 24 footer and give us a trailer at no cost. John was hoping to avoid having to hook up and pull a trailer, but we agreed to this. What's a person to do???!!! So, Shirley went to Kalispell and picked up the 24 foot truck. We arrived at U Haul on Wednesday afternoon as scheduled. Shirley asked her husband to go out and hook up the trailer. He came in a few minutes later and said the brakes seemed to be dragging on the truck. Shirley mentioned how she couldn't go over 50 miles an hour coming up to Eureka. John and I are shaking our heads. The Mister decides to take it for a test drive and heads up the highway. A few minutes later he is back with smoke rolling out from behind the left tire. Not good! They took the truck to the local mechanic (it is now after 5:00 PM) who informed them there is no way that truck could be fixed right away. Shirley looked at the cost of picking up a truck in Tacoma and leaving it in Eureka...$1500...Yep, that's what we'd found, too, which is why we were doing a "local" rental and driving a truck all the way to Tacoma and back. John and I left to do our grocery shopping while Shirley tried to figure out a solution. While we were gone we talked about getting a truck in Couer d'Alene or Spokane. Turns out Shirley found the nearest 26 footer in Couer d'Alene. We could do a one-way rental...Couer d'Alene to Eureka for about the same price as the local rental at Eureka, including the gas we'd have to buy and the extra mileage we'd have to pay. So Shirley made the reservation for us to pick up the truck, the piano dolly, and 48 furniture blankets the next morning at 8:00 AM in Couer d'Alene. We had planned to spend the night at our rental house in Eureka, but now we had to go back to Whitefish to get the Beetle to drive to Couer d'Alene. No worries, we slept in Whitefish and headed out at 5:00 AM. We arrived in Couer d'Alene at 7:30, had breakfast at IHOP and went to the U Haul dealer arriving at 8:30 for our 8:00 pick up time. But no....they didn't open till 9:00. At 9:00 we were told our 8:00 rental would be ready at 4:15 PM. What? Isn't that the truck sitting there? Yes, but the 48 furniture blankets won't be here till 4:15. Geez...we took the truck and the piano dolly and headed for Tacoma. We'd asked if we could leave the Beetle there till Saturday, but he told us it wasn't a good idea. They'd had lots of break-ins and we couldn't put it behind their fence cause they weren't open on Saturday when we'd be back for the car. We ended up leaving it in an Albertson's parking lot and hoping for the best. On the way across Washington, we made a few calls and arranged to pick up the blankets at the U Haul dealer down the street from our storage unit. We arrived in Kent at Lynn and Arthur's about 4:00, took a walk around the airport to stretch our legs, and had beer and hamburgers on the patio in the sunshine. Thanks for a great time!
We loaded the truck on Friday and used every inch of that 26 feet, top to bottom. Thanks to Pam, Bob, Jackie, and Ashley for their help! We couldn't have done it without you. It took seven hours to get it all in there.
We were on the road again at 9:00 AM, Saturday. We found the Beetle in Couer d'Alene safe and sound where we'd left it :) We had time for a late lunch at Red Lobster before heading off again. It was a beautiful, sunny day and once again I was glad to get HOME to Montana! Here's a couple of photos I took along the way near Lake Koocanusa. We don't get to see mountain goats too often, but Mama Goat and her babies jumped right out and crossed in front of me :) The sun was shining and lighting up the rock cliffs along the lake.
As we arrived back in Eureka John called our helpers to confirm that we would need them in the morning. Everyone was ready with one exception. Paul, our builder, had a dirt bike accident on Saturday and fractured his collar bone. Ouch! Hope he isn't in too much pain. This will probably set us back some with the construction, but we'll deal with it. Paul will need some time to heal!
The next morning, Sunday, and time to unload the truck came too soon! Thanks to Darrell, Kathleen, and Roy for helping us on this end! We were unloaded in 2 1/2 hours.
We made a quick trip out to our property Sunday afternoon to see the progress with the excavation. It wasn't quite done yet, but apparently is now. We haven't been out since then as we have been busy getting our things here from Whitefish and trying to get settled and organized in our rental house. It'll be very comfortable for us here and we are happy with the house, getting a few little repairs done by the rental company. They came in yesterday and put up new blinds on all the windows. Very nice!
We may be out helping Paul with the foundation the next couple of days and then are looking forward to a relaxing weekend with nothing to do!